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  • Topic: Phentermine is a good alternative for weight loss?

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    • August 15, 2020 12:00 AM IST
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      Phentermine is a good alternative for weight loss?

      Phentermine (Adipex-P, Lomaira) is an amphetamine prescription medication used to suppress appetite. It can help you lose weight by reducing your appetite or making you feel prolonged. Phentermine is found in combination with topiramate for weight loss (Qsymia).

      Like other prescription weight-loss drugs, Phentermine is intended for use as part of an overall weight-loss plan. It is indicated for obese people and those who have failed to lose enough weight with diet and exercise - not just for those who want to lose a few pounds.
      Phentermine is a Schedule IV drug, a classification of drugs that have the potential for abuse, although the actual likelihood seems low.
      Common side effects of phentermine include:
      • Increased heart rate
      • Tingling or prickling feeling in hands or feet
      • Dry mouth
      • Sleeplessness
      • Nervousness
      • Constipation

      Although phentermine is one of the most commonly prescribed weight-loss medications, it isn't a good option if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, an overactive thyroid gland or glaucoma. It also isn't for women who are pregnant, may become pregnant or are breast-feeding. Read more at side effects of phentermine

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