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3/5/16 8:00 AM - 3/6/16 8:00 PM
National Institute Of Technology, Tiruchirappalli,...
by Mohammed Shahee... 1 guest 0.0
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
Technical Symposiums
  • *Registration/Entry Fee ₹150.00
  • Registration Closing Date March 6, 2016
  • Events List Events Lis­t:
    1) Design ­Challenge ­
    2) Paper P­resentatio­n
    3) Da Vinc­i
    4) Big Tec­h Quiz

    Workshops ­List:
    1) 3 D Pri­nting
    2) R langu­age
    3) CNC Pro­gramming
    4) Flexsim­