Slideshow Photos

2/17/17 9:00 AM - 2/18/17 5:00 PM
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Mepco Nagar, Me...
by Campus Dreamz 1 guest 0.0
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, sivakasi
Technical Symposiums
  • *Registration/Entry Fee ₹200.00
  • Departments Civil Engi­neering
    Electrical­ & Ele­ctronics E­ngineering­
    Electronic­s & Co­mmunicatio­n Engineer­ing
    Computer S­cience Eng­ineering
    Informatio­n Technolo­gy
    Mechanical­ Engineeri­ng
  • Events List Contraflex­ure (Civil­)
    Zwitterion­ (EEE)
    Aavishkaar­ (ECE)
    Vipravyuha­ (CSE &­; IT)
    Cryptix (M­ech)
    Biologix (­Bio-Tech)
    Exponents ­(Maths &am­p; Science­)
    Cossack (M­CA)
    Best Manag­er

             A Two Days National Level Techno-Management Symposium GYAN MITRA'17 organised during February 17-18, 2017. This symposium is organized by all Students' Professional Societies together as a mega event with Fifteen Workshops on Emerging Technologies, Paper Presentations in Fourteen Parallel Sessions, 19 workshops and Sixty Technical Events The symposium provides avenue for students to present their latest innovations, findings, and trends in advanced technology, tools, techniques and strategies relevant to the Engineering fraternity.